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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The lost generation

Many people label this generation as “The lost generation.” You may ask yourselves why because I myself don’t believe that we’re the lost generation. I would want you to see a really cool yet powerful video about this. All you have to do is go to Google.com, then type in freaky message wimp, even though it’s not freaky, then click on the first one that shows up. Look at it and tell me if it’s not powerful and cool. Because I do have hope that we can change the way some people think of us. It is all in our hands and it’s up to us to reverse their opinion. Let’s all gather up and change so everyone can see that we are not the lost generation because there is hope in our lives.

In the video we are just like her because we refuse to believe that we are part of the lost generation. People say we don’t care but we do. So let’s save the planet so people won’t say that environmental destruction will be because of us. Let’s not make money and work more important than our family.


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