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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SpongeBob SquarePants


As you may all know SpongeBob is an American animated character living woth various other charaters in an underwater city, "Bikini Bottom". The pilot show was on May 1,1999.Its first official appearance was on July 17th, 1999. The show has become famous ever since and is one of the highest rated show. He also lives on a pineapple. He is so funny and cute!!!


Gary is SpingeBob's pet snail who meows like a cat. Even though he only speaks on a few episodes the characters seem to understand him.

Patrick Star

Patrick lives under a rock, two houses down from SpongeBob, his best friend. Patrick is an over waight and dim-witted yet friendly pink star fish. Whose voice is by bill Fagerbakke. Like spongeBob he also tends to be gullible and clueless. But he still remains a loyal friend.

Squidward Tentacles

Living in an Easter Island statue between Patrick and SpongeBob is Squidward. His specie is mixed with both a squid and an octupus. he works as a casheir in the Krusty Krab, which he totally hates. Patrick and SpongeBob think that Squidward is their friend but he doesn't feel the same in other words his feelings are not mutual. Even though people don't think that he has talent he is delusional about them such as playing the clarinet and dancing.

Sandra "Sandy" Cheeks

Sandy is a squirrel from Texas, [exhibits a cowgirl charcter] who is another of SpongeBobs friend. She lives in the "Treedome," she is also a science genius and practices karate with SpongeBob. She speaks with a heavy southern accent, and uses typical southern slang words and phrases. She is just my favorite of them all!!!
If you would like more 411 on sandy clickhttp://spongebob.wikia.com/wiki/Sandy_Cheeks

Eugene Krabs(Mr. Krabs)

His voice is by Clancy Brow. He is a selfish and cheap red crab. Mr. Krabs al so has a daughter named pearl and is the owner of the Krusty Krab, a fast food restaurant. He is so obsessed with money that he will do anything to obtain or not lose money. In fact he would go insane if he woul just give up a penny. After all, he cares and appreciates his employes. He is just so selfish!!!And has an enormous love for money.

For more info got to :http://nickelodeon.wikia.com/wiki/Eugene_H._Krabs

Sheldon Plankton

Plankton operates a restaureant directly across the street from the Krusty Krab called the Chum Bucket. His primary goal in the series is to steal the recipe of the Krabby Patty. Unfortunately he succeds at stealing it in the movie. He is also Krabs' nemesis but in the episode, Friend or foe? it is revealed that they were once friends but a dispute over the recipe for the Krabby Patty broke their frienship. And Karen the computer is his wife, something that I totally didn't know.


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