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Monday, June 7, 2010

Italy (finals)

Italy culture

Italy today has been the cradle of European cultures and peoples and its capital is Rome. their official language is Italian;Even though this has nothing to do with Italy my sister speaks Italian. Modern Italy is a democratic republic. Italy plays a prominent role in European and global military, cultural and diplomatic affairs, and it is affiliated with worldwide organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization. The bull was a symbol of the southern Italian tribes and was often depicted goring the Roman wolf as a defiant symbol of free Italy during the Samnite Wars.

Palces in Italy

In Italy a palace is a grand building of some architectural ambition that is the headquarters of a family of some renown or of an institution, or even what the British would call a “block of flats” or a tenement. In Venice, most palaces are referred to as "Ca'", which is short for "Casa", meaning "house" in Italian.

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Computer Apps. final exam (finals)

computer apps. final exam (finals)

For my final exam for computer applications it was so easy. Well our teacher made it easy for us because he is a very nice teacher . for example, for part A we had to use Microsoft Word and what we had to do is that we opened it up and went to home you know where there are the tools and we had to name each one of them so the answers were in front of us. And for part C we had to use Microsoft Office Publisher. you know the tool box to the left well we had to name each of the tools and the easy part is that we opened up Publisher and looked at it so the answers were right there in front of us again. And for part D we had to write an essay which i published in this blog. And now we have to write $ more blogs which is also part of our grade. Wow, that was easy!!

P.E Final Exam (Finals)

P.E. Final exam

My P.E final exam was so hard for me. I mean i didn't even study but lets see what my grade is going to be. Every time I wen to another question i freaked out because i didn't know the answers to them. I only knew the answers to like about 5 questions but the test had 60 questions. Can you believe it, that's insane!!! At leas the essay was kind of easy because you had to write about how the P.E course has helped you physically and/or mentally.

And it had all sorts of questions about football,volleyball, and exercises. if you ask me i don't know anything about football or any kind of sport. and for the exercise questions you had to awnser what part of your body do you use or something like that. it also had questions like what is diabetes or what are the five food group.

Computer Apps. (Finals)

Final exam essay
This Computer Apps. Course has helped me in so many different ways. First, I have learned how to make power points the proper way. For example, I now know that I shouldn’t put too much information on just one slide or to put too much animation otherwise it will distract the audience from my point. In other words I should get right there to the point. So I should make it pretty and appealing but not too distractive from where I'm getting to.

Another way it has helped me is that I’ve learned how to write properly on Microsoft word. Since when I get to high school and college I would have to write lots of essays. For example, I’ve learned that I should indent five times when starting a new paragraph. Or that in should space twice after a period and after a comma space once. Not only in these two ways has it helped me but in many other ways like right now I have my own blog. As you can see this course has been a lot of help to me.