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Monday, June 7, 2010

Computer Apps. (Finals)

Final exam essay
This Computer Apps. Course has helped me in so many different ways. First, I have learned how to make power points the proper way. For example, I now know that I shouldn’t put too much information on just one slide or to put too much animation otherwise it will distract the audience from my point. In other words I should get right there to the point. So I should make it pretty and appealing but not too distractive from where I'm getting to.

Another way it has helped me is that I’ve learned how to write properly on Microsoft word. Since when I get to high school and college I would have to write lots of essays. For example, I’ve learned that I should indent five times when starting a new paragraph. Or that in should space twice after a period and after a comma space once. Not only in these two ways has it helped me but in many other ways like right now I have my own blog. As you can see this course has been a lot of help to me.


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